What is Prize Runner?

We are one of the biggest free competitions listing platforms online, allowing our community to easily find and enter the best competitions from across the internet.

We update our listings every day to keep our users fully up to date with the very latest competitions. Sign up to receive email updates and stay on top of the best prizes online.

Is it free to use Prize Runner?

Yes! Prize Runner is completely free to use and always will be.

Will I receive any spam if I sign up to your newsletter?

Absolutely not! We never pass your information on to any third parties and take the necessary steps to ensure the security of your data. If you find that you don’t want to continue receiving our newsletters, you can unsubscribe at any time. You can read more about how we handle your data on our Privacy Policy page.

Does Prize Runner operate any competitions?

We do, from time to time, run prize draws, but these are on no fixed schedule. Sometime we like to give back to our community and a giveaway is a great way to do that. If we have a draw running, you will be able to find this at the top of our homepage. The Terms & Conditions for each individual competition will be listed on the entry page and will need to be agreed to before entering.

How do you find the competitions listed?

Our team searches the depths of the internet to grab only the best competitions that are easy to enter and spam free! We also have help from the comping community, who can submit competitions through our Add a competition page.

How can I tell the world about Prize Runner?

Please go ahead and share our site with your friends, family and strangers on your favourite social networks. Let them know that we are the best place to find the latest competitions online.

Share this link with everyone: https://prizerunner.co.uk


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